Recently, my uncle visited me in Singapore and since breadfruit was in season, she sent me a small wedge. I chopped it up into small cubes and made thoran with it. We had it with chapati and some yellow dal tadka, an unusual combination for a thoran but much enjoyed nevertheless. The best thing about thorans is that it works with most vegetables and is super easy to put together for a quick lunch.
Preparation time: 10 minutes
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves 4 as a side
- 3 cups of breadfruit or kadachakka, peeled and cut into small cubes
- 1/3 cup of grated coconut
- 2-3 shallots / ulli
- 1/2 tsp of cumin seeds / jeerakam
- 2 green chillies
- 1/4 tsp of turmeric powder
- 2 tsp of coconut oil
- 1/4 tsp of mustard seeds
- A few curry leaves or a small bunch of coriander, chopped, for garnish
How to Make Breadfruit Thoran:
1. Heat oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds. When they pop, add the cut breadfruit pieces, turmeric, and some salt.

2. Sprinkle some water and cook partially covered on low flame until the breadfruit becomes tender – about 8-10 mins.

3. Meanwhile, coarsely grind the coconut + shallots + cumin + green chillies without adding water

4. Add to the cooked breadfruit and mix well. Let it cook for another 2-3 mins.

5. Sprinkle curry leaves or chopped coriander leaves on top. Mix again, and remove from heat.

Kadachakka thoran will also taste fabulous with rice and Kerala Sambar if serving it with chapati and dal is not really doing it for you.
Thank you for this recipe. Does it matter what colour the mustard seeds are, there being so many? I prefer a smooth texture. Is it ok if I leave out the grated coconut?
Typically, brown or black mustard seeds are used in Indian cooking for temperating (or tadka as we call it in Hindi). Coconut is an essential part of this recipe so I do recommend using it.