Strawberry in lassi is not a conventional choice but when you have such amazingly sweet strawberries bursting with juice in the markets, it’s hard not to get excited and add it to everything, even your drinks. Also, this bowl of strawberry below is the first picture I clicked using my upgraded camera body, the Nikon D7100.

Oh but wait! Before I go on yada yada about strawberry lassi, I must explain my long absence from here. I have been travelling a lot on work and also been in training workshops on and off which required my full attention and lots and lots of energy. I also snuck in a quick weekend trip to India and after all that travel and intense weeks, I just put any major cooking plans and blogging on the back burner. I did miss it a lot but wanted to make sure I am not just throwing some recipe out there without putting in some effort into it. I know strawberry lassi is hardly a great comeback, but hey, I need to ease myself into this all over again so bear with me, yeah?
Here we go, how to make strawberry lassi.
Blend 1 cup sweetened plain Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup washed and hulled strawberry and 1 cup milk until very smooth. Make sure all ingredients are chilled. Pour into glasses and serve immediately.
Serves 2.
If you are using plain yogurt, make sure it’s not sour at all and use sugar or honey to sweeten your lassi. I personally don’t like honey in lassi and use powdered sugar to make blending easier.

It also helps if your strawberries are ripe and sweet. If they are too sour, the milk/curd may curdle so consider yourself warned.
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