This is a quick Basic Potato Salad Recipe. I didn’t make it intending to post it actually. I changed my mind after trying to find this recipe online, in vain. Ok, flashback time.
TH sometimes talks about his childhood days in Abu Dhabi and how they went to Pizza Hut every now and then. He always talks very fondly about the potato salad they served there. Now me, I have not tried salad in Pizza Hut, ever! Pizza Hut is for pizzas. Period. Anyway, recently we attended a colleague’s wedding where they had potato salad and TH went for a few helpings and forced me to try some too, which he never does, ‘cuz really, I don’t need to be forced to eat anything. I was just busy with other more tastier looking things on the table. I tried it anyway and I loved it! It tasted so ‘simple’, like you could make it with just 3-4 ingredients in the pantry. I didn’t bother trying to figure what went into it because I was confident I’d find it online.
I’m sure its out there somewhere but its not easy to find because there are a million ways you can make potato salad. So I gave up and threw in what I thought went into the salad we tried. Now I am sharing it with you 🙂
Basic Potato Salad RecipeServes 4What I Used:Potatoes – 3 medium-sized ones (I used russet potatoes)Spring onions – 1/4 cup, very finely chopped(You can also use celery or leeks or even cilantro instead of spring onions)Mayonnaise – 1/2 cup (I used Kraft mayo, out of a bottle)Cream – 2 tbspGreated cheddar cheese – 2 tbsp (optional)Lime juice – 1 tbsp or moreSalt – to tastePepper – to tasteHow to make a Basic Potato Salad:
1. Boil potatoes until soft and cool completely. I cooked them in the pressure cooker for 2 whistles. Chop into bite-sized pieces and set aside.2. Whip together cream, mayonnaise and cheese with salt. Add lime juice to this and mix well.3. In a bowl, add the potatoes, the whipped cream-cheese-mayo mixture, spring onions and salt-pepper. Mix well without breaking the potatoes too much.
Serve at room temperature.
This is a great salad to serve when you have large number of people coming over and little time in hand. Its hard not to like it and it goes great with junk food like chips, burgers, tikkis, etc. Just make sure that you prepare it not too long before you need to serve it. Also, make sure you transfer leftovers to the fridge immediately in case you want to use it the next day.
how funny….here in the US (where both are from), Pizza Hut doesn't have potato salad! interesting ingredients. we ususally use hard boiled eggs, mayo, black olives, celery, red onion, parsley, and mayo. i will have to try yours!
how funny….here in the US (where both are from), Pizza Hut doesn’t have potato salad! interesting ingredients. we ususally use hard boiled eggs, mayo, black olives, celery, red onion, parsley, and mayo. i will have to try yours!
Wow looks so creamy and yummy. All my favourite ingredients. Yummm
Looks so creamy. yummy!
I hog on this sometimes, but sparingly 😀 .. I like the photo.. rustic & very warm.
I have not tasted before,recipe sounds yummy!!Looks yummy too:)
I haven’t tried this… looks nice and creamy.
🙂 the infamous potato salad! 😀
Pizza Hut is for Pizzas, I like that .. I have nevr ever tried eating potato salad, I really do want to after looking at that lovely pic
I just threw out my jar of mayo! 🙁
I don’t know why, it was light mayo and tasted kinda sweet! I love my potato salad, but def. not sweet.
Your looks lovely… sigh!