When Sunita announced her Think Spice Event this month and when I saw it was ginger this time, quite a few recipes went through my mind. But the honest truth is, I can’t stand the smell of raw ginger. Its ironic, cuz I do like ginger chicken and stuff, but if you tell me that the antidote for nausea is chewing a piece of ginger, then I beg to differ! Raw ginger causes nausea in me. But I love ginger-flavoured tea. Yeah, I know, its tough to ‘digest’ this weird like-dislike circle of mine.
This is not much of a recipe, just a habit of mine that I wanted to share and hopefully, Sunita would accept this as an entry to her event.
To make ginger tea – boil 1/2 cup water and add 1 tsp tea leaves and 2 small pieces of ginger. Boil for a few minutes and add hot milk and sugar to taste. Drink hot!
This is my cup of Ginger Tea that gets me started every day morning. Just add a few pieces of shredded fresh ginger into your tea while its brewing and enjoy the flavour.
Nags!! thats one amazing cup of hot chai. I remember one of my friend sampada, who was an expert in making ginger tea, we literally used to go to her place every other day at tea time just to have this!!!
Very simple one to cheer up anyone!!
As simple as it may sound, this comes handy any day. Your blog has changed colours?!
Nice picture, Nags!
I’m a big fan of ginger tea too but always get my dose in the evenings. I love that picture of yours.
That’s just the way i like it too…nothing like it to kickstart your day:)
hmm yum thats a very lovely and refreshing tea 🙂
I like ginger tea!!Thanx for sharing:)
Hey Nags,
I just took pics this morning of ginger tea to send it for the ginger event. Now I see that you have already posted it here. Now I’m wondering what to do:-(
i liked the way u have presented it nags..total pro!
Thanks nags…and hey! anything which gives you pleasure is definitely worth sharing…it doesn’t have to be a complicated recipe 🙂