When Sunita announced her Think Spice Event this month and when I saw it was ginger this time, quite a few recipes went through my mind. But the honest truth is, I can’t stand the smell of raw ginger. Its ironic, cuz I do like ginger chicken and stuff, but if you tell me that the antidote for nausea is chewing a piece of ginger, then I beg to differ! Raw ginger causes nausea in me. But I love ginger-flavoured tea. Yeah, I know, its tough to ‘digest’ this weird like-dislike circle of mine.
This is not much of a recipe, just a habit of mine that I wanted to share and hopefully, Sunita would accept this as an entry to her event.
To make ginger tea – boil 1/2 cup water and add 1 tsp tea leaves and 2 small pieces of ginger. Boil for a few minutes and add hot milk and sugar to taste. Drink hot!
This is my cup of Ginger Tea that gets me started every day morning. Just add a few pieces of shredded fresh ginger into your tea while its brewing and enjoy the flavour.
Ginger tea is the only thing I could think of for the event as I make it almost everyday.
I kept thinking that I would make something else and send that in and finally ended up doing nothing. 🙂
That is a very nice pic. Are those tea-bags by the side?
The old favorites are always the best!
Hey Nags, you really should give raw ginger another try! 🙂
nags, lovely entry! like you, i too start my day with tea.
i am sending you my entry. pl check your mail…
my new website is http://saltandspice.org
im not a real tea drinker.. i mean i could drink from time to time..but i appreciate this simple recipe that gingers up your morning drink.. my mom always tell us that if we want to become singers we need to drink ginger broth with some honey..i tell you i already consume tons..but im still aspiring to sing like celine dion 🙂
This is very nice and colorful looks of your blog. I like the flower design my dear. Ginger tea in cold day’s with some favorite breakfast then feel like heaven my dear.:)
aah…the folded newspaper in the pic, gives it a good early morning look 🙂 and yea… i drink a lot of ginger tea too, though i can manage with either coffee or tea, just that i need one of them..!!
When amma and me are ginger lovers, You and Papa always make a little fuss when it comes to this root!!:)..
So ultimately you made this “gingerly” for Sunita :)..
The pictures are great nowadays.The approprate Frames add a finer touch!
Have a nice time in KTM (grr)
Ginger tea is all time favourite for many of us! Nice entry nag.. simple or complicated – thats not the matter, what counts is participation – i am yet to do something!!
Oh yeah, ginger is like one of the best teas. Whenever one is not feeling well also, we turn to ginger tea.
I like that combo that Mansi mentioned, ginger and cardamom, got to try it.
My morning never begins without a cup of ginger and cardamom tea loaded with milk and sugar (gujju style:))!! the new look on your blog looks great Nags:)
and No, I am married for 2 years now, just updated my status on Facebook recently:)