Eggs are a great ingredient to put together a simple complete meal especially for breakfast. During a lazy weekend morning, I generally make scrambled eggs or omelette with whatever vegetables I have in the crisper. Usually this is capsicum, or eggplant, or lots of onions. Eggs also make a wonderful to curries and to fried rice, etc. As a bachelorette living alone in Hyderabad back in the day, eggs have come to my rescue for many a meal. And thankfully, I married an egg-lover eventually!
You may also like this omelette curry recipe, masala omelette recipe, cheese omelette recipe, and this malabar egg curry, one of my favourites!
Pizza Omelette Recipe
Eggs – 2
Green chillies – 1
Tomatoes, diced – 1/2
Salt – 1/2 tsp
Pepper – 1 tsp
Cheese cubes – 1
1. Whisk the eggs with salt and pour on a girdle with little oil.
2. Sprinkle the chillies and tomatoes and cook for 2 mins, closed.
3. Topple over, and remove in about 10 seconds.
4. Sprinkle better powder and diced cheese pieces. Let the cheese pieces melt a little.
Tip* Adding some oregano gives this a nice pizza flavour 🙂
waiting for u to host girl…i am out of this coz i do not eat eggs
Such a yummy idea!