The event has seen different hosts in the past and it is my honour to be hosting WBB #17 in November 2007.
I tried to think hard for a theme, and finally settled on using the first thing that comes to our minds when we say breakfast. Yes, its cornflakes!!
The idea for corn flakes began by accident when Dr. Kellogg and his brother, Will Keith Kellog, left some cooked wheat to sit, while they attended to some pressing matters at the sanitarium. When they returned, they found that the wheat had gone stale, but being on a strict budget, they decided to continue to process it by forcing it through rollers, hoping to obtain long sheets of the dough. To their surprise, what they got instead was flakes!
So lets put on our thinking caps and conjure up recipes where one of the main ingredient is cornflakes (or any other variation of it).
I did a simple search on Google and found so many different things that can be made with cornflakes, that it’s really mindblowing.
The rules are pretty simple:
1. Post a breakfast recipe in the month of November, with cornflakes, or its variations, as the main ingredient. You can even share any innovations you use to make that simple bowl of cornflakes jazzy!
2. Send in your entries to naagu.v[at] with subject line as WBB before November 30th, 2007. Make sure you include the permalink to your post, your name and a picture. More than one entry per blog is also most welcome.
Please send in your thoughts and suggestions, if any.
Nags! A wonderful selection! Count me in… Btw, AFAM announcement is up at my blog! Have a look and do participate!