You know sometimes you try something new and you wonder to yourself “why on earth did I never come across this gorgeousness before?”
Well, this is one of those recipes. Its from a brilliant book called A Passion for Baking by Marcy Goldman
. Its uber simple and all you need is 4 ingredients. Yes, that’s right! 4 ingredients and you can whip up these bars and I guarantee ‘wows’ from your friends, family, guests, dog, whoever.
Toblerone Candy Bar ShortbreadMakes about 15 -18 barsAdapted from: A Passion for Baking by Marcy GoldmanIngredients:1 cup butter, at room temperature(I used salted butter. If using unsalted, then add a pinch of salt to the flour)2/3 cup sugar2 1/4 cups flour100gm Toblerone chocolate bar, at room temperature
How To Make It:
Preheat oven to 325F / 165 C. Sift flour (and salt if using unsalted butter). This sifting business is optional by the way, I just like to do it so that its easier to fold into the wet part of the dough.
Cream the butter and sugar until soft. You can use a whisk and do this by hand.
Dunk in the flour
Gently mix with fingertips until the mixture resembles bread crumbs

Pat firmly on to a brownie tray or the flattest baking pan you have. Make sure that this layer is not more than 1 to 1.5 inches high. Press with the back of a spoon to layer it firmly.
Bake in the pre-heated oven for 15-30 mins or until the top turns a light golden brown.
Meanwhile, bring out your Toblerone bar. Make sure its at room temperature. Due to the heat in Singapore, mine was squishy – and that’s perfect!
Once the base is baked, while its still hot from the oven, chop the Toblerone bar and sprinkle over the base.
With an icing spatula or a flat spoon, spread the chocolate evenly over the baked base.

Cool completely. Using a knife, mark squares so that its easier later to cut them along these marks, when the bars are set.
We are done! Transfer to the refrigerator to set. Once set, cut along the pre-marked lines into square bars and serve. Store in refrigerator so that the chocolate doesn’t get runny. I kept mine in the fridge for a week.
The reason why Toblerone works perfect for these bars is beacause of the nougat and cashew pieces in the choclate bars. It gives a surprise element when you bite into the bars! But I am definitely going to experiment with other chocolates too.
Drop me a line if you do try this! Would love to hear from you 🙂
Big fan, here! I came across this blog a few months back and now, I am totally addicted to it! I love the way you write. So simple and elegant! I try out your recipes and they always turn out great. My parents now suggest I open a bakery! 😛 All thanks to you. You are this teenager's inspiration!
And about this recipe, can I slather strawberry frosting on top instead of using candy bars? Will it taste good?
hey charu, good to hear from you. strawberry frosting as in buttercream? the idea here is to melt the chocolate with the heat so if you want to use frosting, then you will have to scour the base after baking, iet it cook completely, and then slater the frosting. it should taste just fine but the technique will be different since we can't have the frosting melt with the heat of the baked base.
Oh, okay. I'll give it a shot and tell you how it comes out. Thanks for replying!
I came across this amazing blog of yours very recently. This recipe caught my eye, as I tried something similar this winter. I baked the shortbread. I had earlier made a mix of dark chocolate (I used 85% cocoa), and whipped this with single pouring cream, till it was nice and thick. Also added the zest of an orange. I mixed this on a double boiler. Then popped this mix in the fridge for 5 hrs (or 30 mins if you as impatient as me!) and then used this chocolate spread on the baked shortbread (just like buttering a slice), the warm shortbread gave just the right amount of heat to melt the chocolate enough!
sounds delicious! thank you for leaving a note 🙂