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How to make paneer, homemade paneer recipe

How to Make Paneer

How to make paneer or Indian cottage cheese at home. Paneer is a staple in the Indian vegetarian diet and a great source of protein, not to mention delicious
5 from 5 votes
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 7 minutes
Total Time 17 minutes
Course How-To
Cuisine Indian
Servings 2 cups paneer


  • 1 litre full fat milk
  • 1/2 cup curd or buttermilk or 1/3 cup lime or vinegar


  • Pour 1 litre full fat milk into a pan. It's very important that you use full fat milk for making paneer since we are basically going to extract the milk solids and fats from it and separate the whey
  • In this pictorial I have used lemon juice but have found that curd or buttermilk is more predictable so if you are a beginner, use that
  • Bring the milk to a rolling boil and add the curdling agent - curd, buttermilk, lemon juice OR vinegar - any one of your choice
  • Simmer for another 4-5 mins or until the milk has completely curdled. Keep stirring gently while this happens
  • Once the milk has curdled, turn the heat off and transfer to a double layered cheesecloth (or use an Indian cotton towel), that's placed over a colander which is in turn placed over a bowl large enough to collect all the whey
  • Once the whey has drained off completely, wrap the ends of the cheesecloth over the paneer. At this stage, if I use lime or lemon juice, I run the paneer under some water to remove the sourness of lemon. This is optional
  • You need to place some weights over this cheesecloth-paneer bundle to make a firm block of paneer. I placed a plate over it so that the block gets uniformly pressed down.
  • Then I put my stone pestle and mortar over it and topped that up with my granite chapati rolling stone.
  • Leave the weights on for about 2-3 hours and you should have a firm block of paneer
  • Refrigerate for an hour or so so it's easier to cut into cubes and use immediately or store in the freezer for later use